
Table of Contents (Online Help)


MAC address settings

This window allows the system administrator of the MFI to define the MAC addresses of the devices that will access the Loan Performer Web App. This can only be done in the desk top application of LPF. Each device or user of the Web App will have to pay access fees.


It is possible to activate or deactivate this feature. The system administrator will be able to enter the MAC address of the mobile phones, smart phones, tablets or laptops that are allowed to access the Loan Performer Web App. The MAC addresses are entered only in the desk top application of LPF under the menu System\Configuration\MAC Address Settings and this feature is not available in the Web App.

At login into the Web App, LPF will check if the MAC address of the device is registered in the database otherwise, access will be denied.

How to configure the MAC address settings

To do this, go to System/Configuration/MAC Address Settings, the following screen appears:


1. Click on the "Add" command button to register the information. The details will appear in the grid. Repeat this procedure for all devices.

2. It is possible to update/delete the information in the grid. Just click on the item you wish to update or delete. The details of the selected device will be displayed in the text boxes. Make the necessary changes and click on the "Update" button or the delete button to permanently remove the item.

Click ontheClose button to exit the menu.

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